Post-Concussion Syndrome Relief

What is Post-Concussion Syndrome?

Post-concussion Syndrome occurs after a mild traumatic brain injury and presents as a collection of symptoms. Patients who have had more than one brain injury are at increased risk. Symptoms can be physical, cognitive, behavioral, and/or emotional in nature. When trauma occurs, it affects how the brain functions after the brain moves quickly inside the skull.

The most common injuries that result in concussions include sports, recreation, and car accidents. Concussions can cause bruising to the brain tissue, nerve cell function impairment, inflammation in the brain, and an upper cervical spine misalignment.

Symptoms of Post-Concussion Syndrome

Symptoms of Post Concussion Syndrome may include:

  • Dizziness

  • Headaches

  • Neck pain

  • Cognitive problems such as memory and concentration

  • Confusion

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Hearing problems

  • Impaired vision

  • Balance issues

  • Insomnia

  • Fatigue

  • Mood changes

Diagnosing Post-Concussion Syndrome

Concussions are often diagnosed through a neurological exam that tests vision, hearing, strength, balance, coordination, and reflexes. Cognitive testing may be performed, such as evaluating memory, concentration, and information recall.

Your doctor may order scans of your brain to eliminate other problems that could be causing your symptoms. A computerized tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be done to detect structural brain changes.

Most concussion symptoms usually improve within 7 to 14 days. Although symptoms may linger for weeks. Post-Concussion Syndrome is diagnosed when symptoms persist over a few months. Any number of the above listed symptoms can be present in Post-Concussion Syndrome, however you only need three of these symptoms for a diagnosis.

Treatment of Post-Concussion Syndrome

Medications can be prescribed by your doctor for some of the symptoms of Post-Concussion Syndrome such as pain relievers for migraines, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and nausea medications.

Referrals to other specialists may be in order to assist with specific symptoms. A psychologist or licensed counselor can help with symptoms of anxiety, depression, problems with memory, and/or problem-solving. An ear, nose, and throat specialist can be helpful when experiencing dizziness.

Another beneficial referral is to an Upper Cervical Chiropractor. The head and neck are closely related. When a mild traumatic brain injury occurs, whiplash often goes along with it. This type of injury causes damage to the neck that can influence the brain. Upper Cervical Chiropractic doctors have been known to help improve or potentially even resolve your symptoms.

Upper Cervical Care

The upper cervical spine (upper neck) may be damaged when an impact concussion occurs. The severe movement of the head can lead to vertebrae misalignment in the upper cervical spine. Issues in the upper cervical spine can impact the atlas and axis vertebrae, the top two bones in the neck. This misalignment can put pressure on the brainstem/spinal cord, produce inflammation, reduce blood flow to the head, and can prevent cerebrospinal fluid from draining properly.

If untreated, an upper cervical spinal injury can disrupt activity in the central nervous system, impact brainstem communication, and cause spinal fluid to pool which causes intracranial pressure. Depending on the severity of the misalignment, these issues can be the cause of a wide range of Post-Concussion Syndrome Symptoms.

Upper Cervical Care specialists can relieve symptoms associated with Post-Concussion Syndrome such as neck pain, dizziness, headaches, cognitive problems, nausea, vomiting, hearing problems, and impaired vision.

Upper Cervical Care Treatment

Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care specialists get to the root cause of Post-Concussion Syndrome instead of relying on temporary treatment of symptoms, such as medications. Dr. Burks’ goal is to allow the body to heal from the cause of Post-Concussion Syndrome and any related symptoms.

When treating Post-Concussion Syndrome, Dr. Burks will perform an exam and complete X-Rays to determine if there is a misalignment in the top two vertebrae in the neck. If a misalignment is found, an adjustment can be accomplished to correct your upper cervical spine’s alignment. There is never any forceful twisting or pulling on the neck. Instead, a precise corrective technique is performed to adjust and align the affected spine area. This correction removes nerve interference to the brain by restoring the upper cervical spine to its normal position. After this occurs, recovery from Post-Concussion Syndrome can begin.

Dr. Burks uses what is known as the Knee-Chest and Side-Posture Techniques. He provides upper cervical chiropractic care services at The Upper Cervical Clinic in Tigard, OR. Call to ask any questions you may have, to schedule a FREE consultation, or to schedule an exam. We look forward to helping you on your healing journey.

The Upper Cervical Clinic
7180 SW Fir Loop Suite 250
Tigard, OR 97223
(503) 597-8352


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